In a time of rapid technological change, the Transformational Catapult is essential to developing richer and more empathetic forms of thinking that can equip future generations to succeed and thrive.
The team that makes possible the Transformational Catapult, is here to elevate each generation, guiding them toward becoming the Transformative Generations our future needs.
We believe that a generation that embodies Transformational Skills, would possess the insight, drive, and adaptability to meet complex global challenges head-on, shaping the future in profoundly positive ways.
Richer forms of thought:
Such a generation could catalyse significant social, environmental, and technological advancements, leading to a world marked by objective wisdom, sustainable progress, and a deeply interconnected global community. Their combined skills would lay the foundation for a more thoughtful, innovative, and compassionate future.
The Transformational Catapult team develops specific Transformational Actions to progress in building up each Transformational Skill, develops the Blended Approach to integrate those Actions at the right time and in the right quantity, always based on each child’s progress. That’s how a child can evolve to a future worldchanger and innovator.
Misinformation and disinformation are spreading rapidly, fueled by our society’s constant demand for quick answers. This flood of false or misleading information pulls us away from the full positive potential we could be achieving with today’s advanced technologies.
As this trend continues, future generations will face challenges we can’t fully imagine. To help them succeed, we must equip them now with the tools to become a skilled, successful generation—one capable of building a world that is more resilient, empathetic, and better informed.
1. How fast a child becomes experienced on Transformational Skills.
— This is very dependent on each child-parent's immersion in the Transformational Catapult.
— The time parents and children take to immerse themselves in the Transformational Actions is proportional to the experience they acquire.
— More important than the time it takes, is the conservation of the Transformational Skills. At the point when experience is gained we will also help them to maintain those skills.
2. What is the optimal age for my child to start the Transformational Catapult?
— The earlier the better for a kid to practice Transformational Skills.
— The minimum age is 4.
3. Are these skills taught at school?
— No. Is not a subject that a teacher can actively deliver in a classroom while students passively absorb the information. Experience on Transformational Skills is gained by practice.
— Most public educational systems focus on subjects like math, science, language, etc.
— Many teachers may consider some of the Transformational Skill as a priority but, as it's not part of the official program, continuity is lost among the years due to each educator’s skill preference.
4. Why as a parent should I mentor my child on Transformational Skills, if private and public schools are there for that.
— Remember that schools teach subjects (math, science, art, etc) and:
No one can teach a prince how to be a King except the King himself.
5. How can a Transformational Skill be built?
— Building Transformational Skills doesn't depend on children's knowledge, but on their practice and experience gained on each skill.
— The Transformational Catapult is an immersive process that allows experience and practice for children.
6. How much time I have to invest in each Transformational Action?
— All the process is designed for your child, for them to understand and perform each Action. It is them that will experience and practice. You support your child by encouraging, recognizing effort and giving us feedback.
7. How can I know when a Transformational Skill has been built in my child?
— The experience evaluation section will constantly keep you up to date on how experienced your child is in every Transformational Skill.
8. Can I have a special price for my second child?
— Yes, after the first subscription you will benefit from half price for your second child and a second year half price for your first child.
9. Can a group subscribe to the Transformational Catapult?
— Yes. Each child must have an adult that encourages, recognises efforts and gives feedback. Please contact us to tailor the Catapult to your needs.
10. Can a group subscribe to the Transformational Catapult?
— Yes. Each child must have an adult that encourages, recognises efforts and gives feedback. Please contact us to tailor the Catapult to your needs.
11. How Transformational Skills help my child?
— They help a child to develop into an adult who is not only capable of addressing today’s challenges but also of imagining and shaping the future in transformative ways.
— They help a child to become a thoughtful, informed, and innovative adult, capable of making sound decisions, and challenging existing norms for the betterment of society.
— They help a child to persevere through challenges, and maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity.
— They help a child to become a world changer an innovator.
12. Do you have any other question?
If you do, please let us know by sending your query following this link. Thank you!